Achieve your goals faster and with less stress

If you’re an ambitious person, I’m guessing you always have a lot to accomplish. You may have a busy career or business, plus a family, friends and volunteer roles.

Everything and everyone wants your time and energy.

And when you think about all of it at once ... it can be overwhelming.

  • You freeze in place.

  • You feel the anxiety rising.

  • You feel like it’s too much.

  • You wonder how you’ll ever get it all done.

  • You procrastinate.

  • You make excuses.

  • You see time pass and wonder where the heck it’s going and why you haven’t accomplished more.

If that sounds like you even a tiny bit, then welcome to humanity in 2021.

Nothing is slowing down or getting easier. If anything, demands on our time and energy only seem to increase.

But there’s light and hope ….

Instead of working harder and harder, and faster and faster, what if you slowed down, paused, and asked yourself a different question:

“How can this be easier?”

Instead of saying, “I have to figure out how to do all the things right now” … what if you didn't have to figure it all out right now?

It’s a simple shift but such a vital one.

You see, when you focus on everything at once, you can easily freeze up or freak out, never believing you can possibly get from here to there.

But what if … you focused on taking a one degree shift instead?
What if you focused on just moving the needle 1% a day?

Here’s what happens when you take a one degree shifts approach:

  • You focus on the first small shift you need to take first.

  • Then do another shift. And another. And another.

  • You start to show up and move the needle a little bit each day.

  • Your shifts stack up over time.

  • You’re consistent in your effort.

  • You make progress.

  • You feel amazing.

Now, if you’re doubting the power of one degree shifts, consider that when a boat sets off at sea or when a rocket heads to space, if it shifts just one degree, it can land hundreds or thousands of miles away from its original destination.

So that one degree does matter.

You can also think about it like a snowball that starts at the top of a hill. It’s very small at first, but once it starts rolling down the hill, it picks up more snow. And more snow. And more snow.

The snowball gets bigger and bigger.

The snowball starts off pretty slow, but it gathers speed as it gets bigger and more snow packs on.

Eventually, that is a huge mass of snow, a powerful force of energy that speeds down the hill faster and faster.

It’s easy to look at the huge, speedy snowball and forget that it started small and slow.

Think about your most important goal. Decide now: What’s the one degree shift you need to make next?

Think about what feels like an easy, doable first step that you can take today or tomorrow.

Write it down. Schedule it on your calendar. Show up. Follow your new path of progress.

And don’t forget to enjoy the journey.


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