Choose a Joy Mindset

Today I'm extra reflective because it marks 18 years that my dad has been gone.

I wrote about him in a previous blog, but lately I’ve been thinking about the lessons he taught me and how they’ve helped me grow - as a professional, a mom, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend.

To back up: My dad was so special to me. He was more than my father - he was a mentor, business partner, friend. Someone I was a caregiver for during his health challenges. A vibrant and loving father and husband who became a father figure to so many other kids. He had so much to give the world, and he did, while he was here.

My dad never made it to age 50.

And his last years, WOW, what a roller coaster. Through intense health challenges, cancer and three organ transplants, he almost died 9 times in 9 years. 

As a young girl growing up between 8th grade and college, it was heartbreaking to experience this, yet I was fortunate to witness the most incredible role model of resilience in my dad. 

He taught me so much by just watching him respond to challenges and setbacks. Surgeries, ICU stays, helicopter life flights, ambulance rides, ER visits, tests, medicines, pain, uncertainty, loss ...

He met each one with a reverence for life, light in his eyes and laugh on his lips. 🔥

My dad taught me how to have a joy mindset. 

We all deal with pain and suffering; setbacks and disappointments; things outside of our control. 

But I have learned a game-changing secret:

Joy exists *alongside* challenges.

You can't wait for things to "settle down" or "get better." You have to choose joy. Now. Daily. Intentionally. During the hard times and the good.

If this feels unusual for you, know that with practice, you can make a mindset shift that helps you refocus on the positive. Feel more joy. Share more love with others.

Small shifts to help you cultivate a joy mindset: 

🌟Engage your mind in gratitude - what are you grateful for each day? 

🌟Look for small moments of happiness, wonder or love in your day - these are abundant if you seek them out.

🌟Refocus your thoughts from complaints to appreciation - where your mind goes, energy and results flow.

🌟Let go of past anger, judgement and grudges - they only steal your energy from living in the moment.

🌟Spend time in nature - it soothing and energizing in many positive ways.

🌟Put yourself in a state of service - surprise someone with a thank you card, give a genuine compliment or do a random act of kindness. What you give out to the world, you get back.

Are you a leader or parent, or someone who cares about their impact on others?

This inner work we do is so important because each of us casts a ripple effect. Do you want your ripple effect to be more positive? Choosing a joy mindset will create that impact you seek.

When you can fuel more joy in your life, that radiates out to others and uplifts them. You role model the way for possibility to others. More people then choose joy and THEY in turn cast a bigger positive ripple effect.

Yes, a rising tide lifts all ships and you can have an impact far beyond your own daily happiness. That’s what my dad did for me, and now I try to do it for others.

While my dad isn't walking on Earth anymore, I hope to keep his fire lit in the world and legacy alive by sharing his story.

I hope this reaches many people who can be positively impacted by my dad - the amazing, resilient and inspiring Tim O'Neill. 

#choosejoy #keepsmiling #rippleffect


Get Happier with Gratitude