Dealing with difficult people

As a mindset coach, I believe everything can be turned into a gift or opportunity.

Practicing this philosophy helps you shift from a negative reaction to a positive reaction in any challenging situation. It helps you recover quickly from stress, anxiety and anger. These are absolutely vital skills to have as a leader, parent or anyone who wants to live with more positivity and peace!

I’m also part of the Positive Intelligence Mental Fitness coach community, and we always ask clients, “What are at least 3 ways this ‘bad thing’ could actually be converted into a gift?”

A gift is very different from situation to situation. And in times of trauma, it might be too raw and soon to process the situation and find the gift.

But one thing is always true -- finding the gift in every bad situation will build up your “PQ mental muscles” and help you grow.

Now this reaction does not happen automatically. It takes some practice. For example, if you usually choose to deal with a bad situation through your saboteurs by feeling victimized by it, trying to control it or judging it, you won’t find the gift. You won’t grow from it.

What we call the “Sage perspective” helps you activate your empathy and curiosity to look at difficult situations with a new lens.

The same thing is true in dealing with difficult people. If you choose to, you can see every difficult person as personal fitness trainer who helps you build up your mental muscles and become better.

And if you have one person in particular who tests you time and time again, think of this person as your personal sparring partner.

For example, your toddler or teenager testing you is really your teacher to help you learn more patience, presence and empathy.   

Your controlling colleague can teach you how to step into your inner power, put up healthy boundaries and not allow yourself to be controlled.  

Your ever-critical boss is there to teach you how to weaken your own internal judge so it won’t constantly get activated (and then do more judging of yourself or others).  

And so on. 

So today, assume the perspective of learning and growing. Look at those difficult people differently and find your growth moment.

Every difficult person you face today is really your teacher in disguise.

That's if you choose the perspective of learning and growing from them.

Today, recognize difficult people as your teachers. When you're triggered, take deep breaths, reset your focus, and ask yourself ...

“What is this person here to teach me?

You can become a master of your mindset and emotions, and lead with more positivity, impact and joy. Learn more about the Positive Intelligence Mental Fitness program and training app by booking a call here.


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