Create your own luck
Blog post from 3-17-21 updated on 3-17-22
I’m an Irish lass. Our family prides itself on finding blessings and getting back on our feet after challenges. In short, we feel lucky and are resilient as hell.
After spending 8th grade through college helping to care for a terminally ill father, our family going broke, having to work full-time while going to school full-time, and overcoming many other challenges along the way … I DO feel lucky.
After dealing with heartbreaking infertility, using nutrition to reverse many diseases, and overcoming the odds by getting pregnant on my own … I DO feel lucky.
Throughout my life, luck, grace, blessings and happenstance have all played a role in my experience and success.
But I also see the danger in focusing too much on luck.
Because …
Many people truly wait around for luck to land in their laps.
Some people never follow a dream or get out of their comfort zone because they’re waiting for their “luck to change.” Many will grow old and leave this Earth with a dream in their heart that never showed itself to the world.
Others will tell me with envy written on their faces, “oh, you’re just lucky” after I accomplish a goal or share my happiness. As if luck was the only player in the game.
OK, let’s get real. If I generate my own happiness or succeed at a goal, you bet I put in effort to create that reality.
As a coach, I often see a limiting belief in people that limits their perspective and growth.
They think their success and happiness only hinges on LUCK.
Reality check: Waiting around for things to change, in hopes that you’ll find a proverbial pot o' gold at the end of a rainbow, will just lead to disappointment.
Yes, I truly believe that luck can change your life! And that your self-talk and the energy you put into the world MATTER.
You can indeed attract good things or bad things. You can manifest.
But …
You have to put in the work. Manage your mindset. Show up with consistency. Be open to what comes your way. You can focus on the future you want to create and take small one degree shifts every day to create that reality.
If your mindset is in the gutter and you always expect bad things to happen, then chances are very high that you’ll continue to experience pain.
If your mindset is elevated and looking for the rainbow after the storm, you’ll naturally find more gifts in challenges, experience more opportunities and generate a state of joy.
Good news: You CAN create your own luck. Paint your own rainbow. Make your own gold.
Want to grow your business? Show up as a better leader or parent? Have meaningful relationships? Live with vibrancy and joy?
Get intentional about your mindset and actions. Look at luck as a bonus.
Elevate these 6 high performance habits, which science proves will drive your success, meaningful relationships and vibrant health.
CLARITY: Get clear on who you are, what you want, how you want to feel and how you’ll get it.
NECESSITY: Know your Why and your Who’s, and keep your fire of purpose blazing.
ENERGY: Generate vibrancy, sustained energy and optimized health (mental, emotional and physical).
COURAGE: Share and stand up for your truth and ambitions, and for others.
PRODUCTIVITY: Increase the output that matters while getting crazy good at key skills.
INFLUENCE: Teach people how to think and help them grow, and be a role model.
Along the way, you will experience doors opening or new opportunities. Call it luck or call it reaping what you sow. Either way, don’t just sit around and hope for magic to change your life.
If you need to shift your mindset from "waiting around for luck" to "creating luck," book a complimentary coaching session to break through doubts, create more positive thoughts and gain at least two new insights that will propel your life or career.