Small shifts lead to big results
Every time I’ve shared the meaning behind my business name, it resonates with people. Since its launch in 2020, One Degree Shifts has changed perspectives, consciousness, lives, businesses and nonprofits, and the trajectory of generational history in families.
It has both embodied and embedded this simple but powerful philosophy into others:
Small shifts = big results.
Consider that when a boat sets off at sea or a rocket heads to space, if it shifts just one degree, it can land thousands of miles in a new location.
Imagine it. You’re out at sea. Following a new path, seeing and experiencing new things, and ending up in a new destination. All from one small shift.
Your life follows the same principle.
Each small shift you make — each thought, each habit, each decision — can change the trajectory of your life, who you meet, where you go and what you experience. And that can be an adventurous, beautiful, enthralling thing.
One degree at sea can make the difference between landing in the North Pole or Bahamas. A one degree shift in your life can take you in a completely new direction, too.
You were built to shift.
Another reason this philosophy is so effective: it gets you past overwhelm, fear and procrastination.
When you focus on that next small move and just get started, you're no longer stuck or feel so stressed about change. You build momentum. You stack on habits.
It’s like a snowball on top of a mountain. It starts small but once it gets rolling, it adds snow. Builds in volume. Increases in speed. It can turn into an avalanche!
It’s also like the compound effect. If you invest just $5 a day (the cost of a Starbucks latte), it doesn’t seem like much. But over time, the compound effect can turn that small chunk of change into MILLIONS.
In both examples, the key was just getting started.
It’s how you can create positive change in any area of your life - with more ease and success.
You focus on mastering one habit or change at a time. Then stack on another. Then another. Then another.
THIS approach is what creates massive positive results 6 months from now when - surprise! - when you feel 10X more confident, creative, on purpose and happy.
Make it easier.
We’re constantly told to “work harder” but sometimes you need to work “smarter.”
Instead of trying to tackle a massive overhaul of your life, like 360 degrees all at once, break down your changes into one degree shifts.
Think of it as taking small bites of a sandwich each day.
This approach is empowering because you probably can’t do a 360-degree change right now. But can make a one degree change. You can focus on getting 1% better every single day.
And remember that changing yourself by 1% each day will give you the biggest ROI of your life.
When you make a small shift, it doesn’t just impact you. The people around you notice and benefit from it … your kids, partner, team and clients. When you’re better for yourself, you’re better for everyone else.
Like your shifts will stack and grow, your positive ripple effect will do the same. And it all started with a small move in the right direction.
You’re built to SHIFT. You just need to get started.
“Dripping water hollows out stone, not through force but through persistence.”
One Degree Shifts. So simple yet powerful. And it can change your life if you start embracing it today.
If you’re ready to discover your next one degree shift, Coach Christine can help. Book a complimentary call to get clarity, inspiration and momentum you need to get started.