Bring joy into the challenges of life

This has been a challenging year for our family, but the last few months have been some of the hardest, especially with the recent loss of our beloved dog, Duke.

We were surprised with his cancer diagnosis a few months after he turned 11, and our previously vibrant, energetic boy is no longer with us.

If your dogs are like family, you know what we're going through. The deep loss of unconditional love and companionship from a dog you're bonded with is truly devastating.

But this year, alongside the personal challenges and navigating grief, my business has grown. I've traveled, delivered 5 presentations and added new clients, and have incredible new opportunities coming up to serve leaders and teams.

It's invigorating.

And that's the duality of life. The dark and the light, together.

Life can be both sad and joyful, devastating and beautiful, all at the same time.

It's a lesson I've been reminded of this year ... to always look for the joy and beauty, even within the chaos and grief.

It's a reminder that I can take time away to feel sadness and heal ... AND show up with joyful energy to my family and clients.

It's an ebb and flow.
It's never just all good or all bad.
That's real life.

Keeping JOY as a dominant mental frame helps me flow through it all.

For me, that looks like constantly asking myself:

> What do I appreciate right now?
> What is beautiful around me in this moment?
> What is the lesson, gift or opportunity?

Keeping my mental state focused on joy allows me to honor and appreciate the good in life, even during times of stress and sadness.

It's not easy. It takes effort and consistency.

But it helps me to know that even in the hardest moments, joy is still there. I simply have to seek it out.

And so I smile.

One Degree Shifts Can Help 

Feeling stuck in the challenges of life? Get in touch to begin your journey to navigating life with more positive emotions like gratitude, joy, curiosity and calmness.


Small shifts lead to big results


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